
The Adventures of a 12 pound Shetland Sheepdog (Sheltie) going to Paris.


Tom & Maxine like to travel. Blogging helps us create a record of the trips, and share with friends and family...

Monday, August 14, 2006

Field Report

Until last October ('05), Maxine would take Cassie for walks in our neighborhood. While they were satisfying as walks, she always felt that she had to be on guard against bad behavior by Cassie. These included not walking by Maxine's side (heeling or something close to it), barking at other people who walked by, and barking/moving towards dogs who barked from other houses.

Roughly around the time that Maxine stopped taking Cassie for walks, we began to work with Lori, our dog trainer. In a future post I'll go into the process we went through, etc. For now, just a field report on how Cassie has changed.

This morning (August '06), Maxine took Cassie for a walk. She was almost completely well behaved! A 180 degree change! Nothing more to report, other than success! Cassie is a normal companionable dog!!!


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