Two Pictures Plus A Success Story

The flower arrangement picture on this entry is simply from a shop I passed while out walking. This florist is one of many that I've seen with very nice arrangements in their windows.
The other picture is of Cassie ready for sleep in the 'bedroom' we have created for her in our bedroom closet. She needed a place to huddle into that was her own. When we get ready to go out she tends to head off there to take a nap.
As for the success story, today we took Cassie to lunch. The restaurant, Les Editeurs, is 2 blocks from our apartment. When we got there the hostess didn't blink at all as we walked in with Cassie, who laid quietly on the floor under our feet for the entire meal.
Since we've gotten to Paris we've taken Cassie to cafes and various outdoor activities. She's met innumerable French dogs and had many French people comment on her (although we are now starting to think that the older man who called her 'adorable' in French the day we got here may have been a plant by the French Tourist Office to make us feel welcome...). Up until now she has never been a full Parisian dog who simply walked into a restaurant and hung out while her owners had a meal.
Thanks again to Lori, our trainer in Los Angeles!!!
Hi Tom,
I think you know that I lived in Paris for about 2 years. You arrived at a great time (September) and I know you experience things that you will remember forever. I saw your posting on Gagnaire's place -- I am sure it was amazing. You may want to try Goumard if you get the chance. Also, Il Cortile is quite good. If you want to check-out where I used to live, head toward to Pont Alexander III near the Esplande in front on the Invalides. I lived near the of rue Universite and rue Fabert (4, rue Fabert to be exact, 75007.) There is a bakery (if it's still there) on rue Jean Nicot (head toward the Eiffel Tower on Universite until you hit Jean Nicot, then take a left about half way down the street. There is also an unbelieable chocalate shop on a block or two past Jean Nicot on Universite.
Best regards,
John Dohm
John Dohm
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