Free Museum Sunday

Actually, I saw this shop on the way to "The Academy of Beer" where I went for lunch. In LA, over the summer I took up beer making as a hobby (have made and bottled 2 batches). Joining a club, the Maltose Falcons, has educated me about different beer flavors and the ways in which smaller brewers can make things that taste better/more distinctive than the large mass brewers! So, one of my food goals while here is to taste some interesting beers. There's a brewpub 2 blocks from our apartment, but Maxine & I weren't impressed. So, I'm in search of other places to get good beer. The "Academy" isn't a brewer, but they have about 20 French, 50 Belgian, and assorted other beers. They're a 15 minute walk from the apartment so I went there today for lunch ---- avoiding the meat eating plants along the way!

This is one of the "41 most important pieces in the Louvre" -- more on that in the text lower in this entry.
This is the table at the restaurant we went to for Maxine's 50th birthday.

This is Venus de Milo's rear end. I actually took the picture because I was more interested in the number of people taking pictures of a sculpture!

P.S. That picture above wasn't the restaurant Maxine & I went to, it was from "Napoleon's Apartment" -- each of the 3 Louvre pictures in this blog entry are among the '41'.
Very ambitious!
I've got no Paris advice for you, other than to recommend you avoid the Moulin Rouge around 8pm. I once made the mistake of planning to meet friends/fellow travelers there because it seemed convenient on our tourist maps. I was propositioned several times as I made my way through the assortment of inhabitants...
I still love the photos of Cassie and am learning little bits about your training. I wonder if our Marley needs a little closet nest of her own? These dogs sure are funny creatures...
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